Dioptase Cluster, D.R.O.C.

Dioptase Cluster, D.R.O.C.

Quick Overview

A cluster of small, yet vivid, Dioptase crystals embedded in matrix. There are streaks of rough Chrysocolla throught the matrix as well, giving it additional color and character! 

Measurements: ~2-1/2" long x 1-1/2" wide x 1-1/2" deep 

Location: D.R.O.C, Africa

More Information

Dioptase crystals are emerald green and translucent. The mineral got its name from the Greek words for "to see" and "through" because of the ability to see internal cleavage planes of the small crystals. The mineral forms in rhombohedral crystals (usually less than 1cm in size) with a chemical composition of CuSiO3 (H2O).