Tiger Eye Slab (with stand)

Tiger Eye Slab (with stand)

Quick Overview

Polished Tiger Eye Slab with great chatoyancy. Sold with acrylic stand. 

Measurements: ~5-3/4" long x 2-1/8" tall x 1/4" deep 
Location:  Africa

More Information

Tiger Eye is a finely fibrous, opaque variety of quartz. Technically it is a pseudomorph of quartz, and the surface iridescence and golden color results from inclusions of limonite Jasper is a form of Chalcedony, made up of 90% quartz and 10% morganite. It is composed of microscopically fine fibrous crystals, and it normally shows color banding, stripes, whirls, bull's eye and other random patterns due to impurities in the quartz.