Stingray (Heliobatis)

Stingray (Heliobatis)

Quick Overview

We are proud to offer this exceptional example of the ancient sea creature Heliobatis / (Stingray). Every detail of this specimen has been painstakingly revealed, giving one a very precise look and understanding of what the skeletal system of these bizarre creatures is comprised of. The specimen is in our opinion the perfect size for anyone wishing to display it in a home, office or along the rest of a collection. The fine bones in its "wings" are also amazingly detailed as well as the critters spine and the rest of the complete anatomy. Although not shown in the photos, we are also including a nice display stand, allowing one to place the specimen on a shelf, table or anywhere of your choosing.

Measurements: ~ 19" x 12-1/2" x 1" thick

Location: Green River formation / , Kemmerer, Wyoming, U.S.A.

Age: Early Eocene ~ 50myo

More Information

Stingrays are a dimorphic, carnivorous species that live much of their lives sedentary, partially buried in the shallow coastal sands of oceans and seas. Stingrays are very easily recognized due to their unique physicality, including their pointed and sometimes "barbed tip" tails.

Although Stingrays have eyes, they're thought to not have particularly keen vision, and they rely on a build in electrical sensor called ampullae of Lorenzini. These sensors allow Stingrays to sense and then hunt down their prey, similarly to the way a shark does.